Sunday, January 20, 2008

Which is the best one?

Below is an excerpt of a question and answer passage regarding which English Bible version or translation is the best. But more importantly, a better question needs to be answered; whether we are reading from the Bible, The Holy Quran or Koran, The Torah or any of the numerous Volume of Sacred Laws: how will we respond and apply the wisdom in our own everyday lives?

To read the full article please click the main title. Also visit the English Version Translation Comparision Chart for more detailed information.

"Would you believe that there are literally hundreds of different translations of the Bible into English? For many people this huge variety is totally confusing and they just don't know which Bible to choose. How did we get into this situation anyway?

At the heart of the problem are two views as to what a translation should be. On one side are those who feel a translation should stick just as closely as possible to every word of the original Hebrew and Greek. They want the translation to be a literal transfer, word for word, of the original words into English. They feel this will provide the greatest accuracy possible and, after all, this is the aim, isn't it?

Each translation has the power to transform your life. Though the cadence and the terminology may differ, the voice of God can speak to you through each one. Then the question remains: how will you respond to God's voice as He speaks to you from the pages of this life-changing book?"

Italic bold supplied. Mod.

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