Thursday, July 16, 2009

Of acts and intentions

"Before the throne of the Almighty, man will be judged not by his acts but by his intentions. For God alone reads our hearts."

Mohandas Gandhi


"This saying by Mohandas Karamchand Ghandi (aka Mahatma Ghandi) alludes to the universality of the Godhead that Freemasonry espouses. Christians readily relate to this but little do they realize that its author, Mohandas, was never a Christian.

When [we were] asked "In whom do you put your trust?" we readily answered 'in God' and to this Supreme Being we join Ghandi in claiming that "God alone reads the hearts."

Once again, Bro. Cris, thank you for sharing your QOD. Travel light and always ...

By the Square,

The Rev. Bayani D. Rico, PM
Mission Lodge 169, San Francisco, CA


"And although our thoughts, words, and actions may be hidden from the eyes of man, yet that All-seeing Eye, whom the sun, moon and stars obey, and under whose watchful care, even comets perform their stupendous revolutions, pervades the innermost recesses of human Heart, and will reward us according to our merits".

The Monitor



Sophia said...

Great quotes, thank you.

I found your site on Feedmil while looking for feeds or blogs with information on Manly P. Hall.

I will subscribe to your page through Google Reader so that I can be sure to see every post!

FilMasons NSW said...

Thanks Sophia for visiting and subscribing to the feed. I am glad you like the quotes as much as I did.